
Vision 5.JPG

The Cultivated Meat Modeling Consortium (CMMC) mission is to accelerate delivery of affordable high-quality cultivated meat products the consumer market demands. The members’ vision is to collaborate on development of computational modeling approaches the industry can use to optimize growth processes and product characteristics.

Decision-Making Process

In order to liberate creativity and collaboration, the CMMC community is self-managed. Community members are empowered to get involved at whatever level makes sense for them. Members are encouraged to be active in creating proposals for new efforts and projects.

  • Want to create a new group or investigate the potential of a particular modeling application? Start a Discord conversation!

  • Want to help shape the CMMC community or propose a new project? Join the Working Group!

We use three kinds of decision-making tools as a community:

  1. Socializing: when people get together to form an active conversation, magic happens. Propose a conversation on Discord and see who shows up.

  2. Advice Process: want to create something new or change something old? Do it! The first step it to ask the relevant people for advice. Once you feel you’ve gathered enough input, initiate the change.

  3. Integrated Decision Making Process (IDM): for those decisions with existential implications, we invite community members to submit a short proposal to the Governance Group. We’ll work together to craft a solution that’s “safe enough to try.”

Working Model

While the overall CMMC follows an open innovation model, individual projects within the CMMC may take distinct approaches to protect the intellectual property as required by project participants.